Why You Should Move To Another City or Country in Your 20s

For many people in their twenties there is nothing more intimidating than the unknown. The moment you leave your hometown to go to college or the day you move out from your dorm room and you go out in the real world, you are faced with a vague and hazy future. You probably have some idea what to do with your life but you can be sure in one thing –nothing ever goes according to plan. This is the time when you learn to take risks and grow as an individual.

Moving alone to a new place is part of that process. Although living in your home town may be comfortable and less challenging, it can also be plainly boring. Staying in one place will dull your senses and your taste for adventure. It may sound as a cliché, but being twenty – something is the best time to explore not only the world but also yourself.

You have the freedom to do whatever you like without being constrained by any grown-up responsibilities like kids and mortgages.

Going to the other side of the country or the world where you don’t know a single a soul can be both overwhelming and exhilarating. If you are looking for that life-changing experience that will change your outlook and bring some excitement to your routine, then you should take the plunge and move right now. Don’t let the fear of the unknown stop you. If you have the courage and the guts to step into the ambiguity, you will discover wonderful things.

You Will Know Yourself Better

Moving away from the familiar surroundings and living in a completely different city can help you get to know yourself better. Without the influence of your family and friends, as well as the cultural and societal norms, you can find out who you are and what you truly want in life. Being in a new environment will give you space to build up an intimate relationship with yourself. Your outlook will not be distorted by other people’s influence, simply because you will be on your own for most of the time.

Living in another city, country or continent is an eye-opener experience. When you are new to a place, you observe things from the outsider’s perspective. Seeing things from different angle will provide you with better understanding of your own culture and yourself. You may not be aware of how much your surroundings shaped you, until you go to a different place. The new setting will make you question and re-evaluate your beliefs, values and attitudes. As a result you will have the chance to shape yourself the way you want and find your purpose in life, without the limitations of your old background.

You Become More Independent

Being independent takes whole lot of courage and confidence. You become brave by overcoming your internal fears of facing the unknown. Dealing with the external challenges on your own will make you more confident in your capabilities.

When you move to a different place everything is unfamiliar. At the beginning uncertainty can make you feel scared and insecure. As the environment becomes more familiar and you face various obstacles, you learn to get over your fears. Things like trying new food, talking to new people and discovering new streets alone that once seemed intimidating will become part of your routine. The more of your fears you conquer, the more courage you build up, until you reach the moment when the unknown no longer scares you.

You Will Widen Your Comfort Zone

When you move in a new place, you will be forced to get outside your comfort zone. For example, you will need to attend social occasions solo until you find your own circle of friends. Unless you are an extravert, you feel uncomfortable talking to new people and being surrounded by strangers. The more events you attend the more at ease you become with different situations. You will become pro at initiating small talks and gain valuable social skills. Social anxiety will no longer be an issue.

Remember that actions done repeatedly turn into a habit and you are no longer afraid of jumping right into it. With each step outside of your comfort zone you overcome a new fear, learn new skills and get to know yourself better.

You Learn To Live Without Your Support System

Of course, you will have friends in the new city, but nothing can replace the support of your family. The feeling that they are there for you through thick and thin, whenever you need them is irreplaceable. When you move away from you home, you can no longer rely on your family. You will need to figure out everything yourself –from finding housing to paying the bills and doing your own laundry.

The first thing you will realize that things happen when you take action. There is something empowering in knowing that you have your destiny in your own hands. Being self-reliant makes you more disciplined and more aware of the opportunities around you.

When you move away you need to consider things that never crossed your mind before. Who is going to help you if you get really sick or you need to go to the hospital? What will happen if you get attacked on the streets? Finding people you can trust is difficult. Living in a remote place teaches you to be more responsible and self-resilient. You also learn to be more careful, because if something happens, you will be on your own.

You Become More Flexible and Open-Minded

When you live for a long time in one place you become accustomed to certain routine, behaviours, attitudes and rules. When you move to a new city, your customs and beliefs will be shaken up. You will encounter new system and mindset. The only way to survive in the unfamiliar environment is to adapt and to be open-minded. Flexibility is one of the greatest lessons you learn when moving to a distant place. Being in an unfamiliar situation and confronting different types of people, you learn to embrace change more easily. You will thrive for the excitement of the unknown and avoid stagnancy and complacency at any cost.

Most importantly, when you move to another place, you learn, discover and eventually grow as an individual. You enrich your life with experiences, skills, new people and new ideas. What a better time to do that than in your 20s?

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